Sunday, May 30, 2021

Memory Grove Walk

Yesterday after doing our P-day cleaning, I headed out for a walk up the Memory Grove Trail.  The start of the trail is just a few minute walk from our apartment.  Although it was very busy on a beautiful Saturday, it still was a nice walk with city views, the memorial gardens, and the canyon forest.  

The south end of the park near the intersection of State and North Temple.  That is City creek coming down from the canyons and mountains nearby.

One of the many bridges along the way
Loved this color of iris--

The path went through a neighborhood with old houses along the creek and then the actual park entrance---the trail app I read said that there was limited parking.  That was definitely true with people parked up and down the streets outside of the park.  I am sure the neighborhood is not fond of that, but it probably happens every Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.  I was glad I could walk from our house.
Memory Grove Park is dedicated to servicemen who served and died in the wars our nation has been involved in.

This memorial was honoring those who lost their lives in the Korean War.
These are the names of Utahans who received the Metal of Honor for their service along with the war they fought in.
This "Meditation Chapel" was dedicated to World War II servicemen and women who lost their lives.
I don't know if they always have flags by each plaque or if that was because it was Memorial weekend, but it made a striking display.  Their names, birth and death dates, and the place they died are listed.  It was touching to read them and think about the sacrifices they and their families had to endure.  It is very humbling to ponder.  

Directly west, you can see the Capital--the east side view.  This park and the canyon it is connected to travel along the east part of the Capital to the north.  You can connect with other trails that take you up and over to Bountiful, but I didn't make that journey today.

This honored the first Utah battalion (if I remember it correctly).
At least it was back when they used horses.
This was further into the park.  I didn't go up but it looked like a place to have a program or something like that.
Then you are walking in the forest on dirt paths and it seems like the city is miles away, not around the corner.  The sounds of the wind in the trees and the flowing water is the perfect way to enjoy a Saturday walk.

It was a great walk and I will do it again soon--and sometime with Gary and Jena.  They would love it, too.  And Tosha already promised she would walk it with me when they come to visit.

The world is a beautiful place!

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