Sunday, May 23, 2021

Goodbyes Are Better With Chips

Jena is starting to have her "last days" at her current places of service for her mission.  This past week she went on Monday to say goodbye to the seminary students on A day.  She went into each of the classrooms and said goodbye and gave each student a bag of chips--one of her favorite treats.

By the time she is done, she will pass out about 480 bags of chips.  The students decided to sign her note......

which they had to copy to make it bigger for all of the students who wanted to sign it.
This week she will say goodbye on Tuesday to "B" day and then Friday at the Distribution Center (they are getting Eclairs from a local bakery).

She has had good experiences serving at both of these places and she will truly miss the people she has served with.  But on to the next adventure.......... (which we don't yet know what they will be so stay tuned!)


1 comment:

Robynn said...

Oh Jena, you are my kind of girl. 480 bags of chips is a lot of love. That’s just how much I love you!