Sunday, February 21, 2021

Doctrine and Covenants 121:27

This post is about that scripture, but really reading 121:25-28 is good as well.

The scripture:  (Taken from the Church's website)

25 For there is a atime bappointed for every man, according as his cworks shall be.

26 God shall give unto you aknowledge by his bHoly Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable cgift of the Holy Ghost, that has not been drevealed since the world was until now;

27 Which our forefathers have awaited with aanxious expectation to be revealed in the last times, which their minds were pointed to by the angels, as held in reserve for the fulness of their glory;

28 A time to come in the which anothing shall be withheld, whether there be bone God or many cgods, they shall be manifest.

The story:  At devotional on last Wednesday, a member of the mission presidency, President Parker, joined a bit late.  So at the end of the devotional, our assistant zone leader acknowledged him and asked him if there was anything he wanted to share with the zone.  He said no, but stayed on afterwards while members of the zone were chatting together over Zoom.  After a couple of minutes, he said, "Hey, I have something to share"---or words to that effect--and he shared this verse and commended about his thoughts about the word "anxious"--that those in the spirit world have been anxiously awaiting for this time in history so that their temple work could be done.

While he was talking, I pulled out my scriptures to find the verse.  He had mentioned the section but not the verse, but I was able to find it quickly and the words that capture me immediately were "which their minds were pointed to by the angels"---I understood in that manner that only comes from the spirit that the angels were the missionaries who are teaching the gospel in the spirit world and that the spirits there---our ancestors and all those who have lived on this earth had been taught-- "their minds were pointed to"-- that we in the latter-days would have the tools to do their works for them--

I brought that up in the discussion and we all enjoyed a sweet interaction that can come as we share scriptures and impressions one with another.  Later that day, President Parker brought it up in a leadership meeting we were at and led another good discussion  with the other zone leaders.  Elder Carter pointed out that it ties well with D & C 138:30. 

I have read these scriptures many times.  I have probably taught them in Gospel Doctrine.  I took D & C at BYU...and yet, I have never stop and thought about what is being taught in this one verse.

Aren't the scriptures amazing?

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