Sunday, May 10, 2020

Pandemic Sunday Walk

One of our good friends created a picture scavenger hike in the neighborhood.  He had posted 25 photos on Facebook and the challenge was to find all of them in the neighborhood in the following week and turn in your answers for a prize.  Clever idea so off we went.....

Our score sheet to record the addresses where we found the items---

The directions were that everything could be seen from the front yard or the porch of the houses in the neighborhood.

Here are some of the items that we were looking for----

We spent about 1 1/2 hours and only found 15 of the 25....but it was fun!  Our intent was to go try again, but the week didn't work out for that to work.

So appreciate the clever things that people have been doing to connect with their neigbhors during the time of the pandemic.

1 comment:

Gemie said...

Clever idea!!! Don't see my neighborhood going for this, but it is a good idea.