Sunday, May 31, 2020

Jena's Life--Pandemic style

Jena has been blessed with some very great friends who have continued to be a part of her life even with the pandemic.

She had her usual two day Wonderwood classes which she is finishing up her Humanities class.  They are studying architecture currently.  (Reviewing it with her to help with homework made me want to go to Greece--logical if you have been to Rome!)

She did Zumba on Thursday night with Esther.

But first was Family Home Evening on Monday night---What a fun and sweet experience that turned out to be!

Jena and I both got a text from Esther (one of Jena's old roommates and one of the activity leaders for their YSA ward) on Monday afternoon asking Jena to give the spiritual thought.  Jena was okay with that.  We spent about 45 minutes decided what to talk about and how to do it.  She decided to talk about prophets.  We had a spiritual moment together as we talked about her testimony and what she wanted to share that evening with her friends.

So at the beginning of FHE, Jena presented her message. With Esther's help, Jena shared through "screen share" a clip from the April Conference Saturday afternoon conference of Pres. Nelson's blessing to the members of the Church.  Jena then bore her testimony about prophets and following them.  She also said. "Heavenly Father loves us and will guide us.  Jesus is our Lord and Savior.  We will live with them again in heaven. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."  At the beginning of her remarks, Jena said, "Now don't cry..."  That made me immediately tear up and so did Esther.  (The other people were too small on the screen to tell about them.) How grateful I was that Jena was included in this way.  Jena does know that prophets speak for God and Jesus and it was sweet to listen to her words that evening.

Watching the clip of Pres. Nelson
Then on to the fun part---you might have wondered why Jena was wearing an apron when she did her spiritual thought!

It was for PAINT NIGHT with BOB ROSS.  We gathered supplies which were needed and then during the family night they showed a youtube video of one of his classes.  They would stop so people could complete each step.  The whole lesson lasted about 2 1/2 hours and Jena did great.  She followed directions and had the best time.  She was very excited about her completed picture as well.

Makes me want to try this sometime!

The bridge over the river
Jena has done so well during all of this pandemic and the restrictions which it has placed in her life--like missing the last month of Wonderwood, theatre, ushering, Special Olympics, skiing, etc......She has actually taken more responsibilities around the house and doing many things without being asked.   For example, she does almost all of the laundry for all of us, not just her own. But the zoom meetings and Facetime have been so helpful for her.

Anyone want to paint a picture with us???

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