Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mission Prep During A Pandemic And Then A Fever

Thursday, Gary and I headed to Smiths to get some more immunizations suggested for senior missionaries.  This time it was our pneumonia and shingles shots.  My dad had had shingles a few years ago and send us all an email saying "GET YOUR SHINGLE SHOT."  It has been on my list since then, but that kind of stuff is hard to get on to your "to-do" list when there is other stuff to do. Things move up on your to-do list when you get reminders weekly from the mission department that your immunizations are not yet completed!

This was my first time in Smiths since the end of February and really any store for about 8 weeks.  I heard about the directions on the floor, but wanted to record these reminders of the pandemic.  Will these things remain when things settle down or will they be part of the new normal people are talking about?

Both of these shots require a second dose--one in a year and one in a couple of months.  Fun times....

especially when Gary woke up with a FEVER on Friday which lasted through the day.  It is, of course, not an unusual symptom after getting immunizations but in this time and place, all fevers are a bit nerve racking.  I felt achy and tired, but no fever--so we spent Friday and Saturday not accomplishing much (although I did manage to attend my all-day online conference on marriage therapy on Friday, wrapped up in two blankets and taking a long nap afterwards.)  Just to be safe, we decided not to go do our "drive by" Mother's day gifts today and wait a full 48 hours--just in case it is something more than the shots.  A reflection on the world as we know it right now.

Words of advice:  If you are planning on serving a mission, you might want to begin looking at getting the immunizations that are suggested.

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