Sunday, July 23, 2023

A Very Hot P-Day

and the Church was closed for an annual deep clean of all of the carpets and pews.  That meant the young missionaries had no place to play basketball and volleyball in-doors.  Despite temps around 100 and a heat index of 109, they did meet at a park to play sports for awhile.  We told them when they were too hot, head to our house for root beers floats, games, and air conditioning.  They took us up on that offer and we had a fun afternoon with them.

One of the sisters was on the phone with her family-
one of their activities for the day and she was afraid
it would be too loud in the house to finish her conversations.
Others of the missionaries used our bedrooms to
have their weekly calls with their families.

Game playing after root beer floats and other treats.  I was glad that we have (barely) enough room to accommodate them during these hot days.  Tomorrow the gym will be available at the Church and lots of room for games and exercise together.
It is a privilege to have missionaries in your home anytime, but 12!!!  a great bonus!

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