Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Mission Presidency and Zone Leadership Christmas Moment

with donuts!  We gathered as a surprise for the mission presidency and their wives on Wednesday, December 22 to wish them Merry Christmas and share the gifts we had gotten for them. It was a nice surprise and they were very touched.

This time we had to transfer the donuts from the COB cafeteria to the Church History Library and then back through the tunnel....

which is currently being repaired.....to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and up to our mission office on the 3rd floor.

Here are our great mission presidency!
From left to right:  President and Sister Parker, President and Sister Larson, Sister and President Randall, Elder Burnham (who serves as executive secretary--Sister Burnham is in the red on the next photo where they opened our gifts to them.)

And then we ate donuts!

L to R:  Elder and Sister Temple, President Larson,
Elder and Sister Drasso, Sister and Elder Chin

L to r:  Sister and President Randall, President and Sister Parker
Sister and Elder Brough, Sister Larson, Elder and Sister Burnham

Sister and Elder Carter and Elder Farnsworth

Elder and Sister Workman

Sister and Elder Hiltbrand, Jena, Gary

The Church History Group:  Hiltbrands, Parkers, us, Carters

Our mission theme is: "Hear Him" so the recent book release at Deseret Book of the photo book with that same theme was perfect for them.  We had been given one by one of our missionaries so I knew it would be right for them.  We had each of the zone leader couples sign that books...and that process deserves its own post....don't miss it!  

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