Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Christmas PJS Everywhere!

It started because I was looking for new pjs to get for Christmas Eve for my granddaughter, Carter, who is 3 and loves all things dinosaur.  When you google that, you find out that there are thousands of dinosaur pjs for girls and boys and everyone else.  When I found a Christmas Eve book that featured dinosaurs, it cinched the deal--dinosaur pjs for everyone (I did send a quick text to Chantel to see if she thought Scarlett (age 7) might feel too old for dinosaurs.  She thought it might work.)

To top it off, I got Jena her own pair as well---

Here are Jessica's and Elessia's kids in their dinosaur pjs...
Scarlett modeling her purple ones--

Tosha is a brilliant connoisseur of Christmas pjs buying.  (Remember last year they had Dr. Seuss pjs).  This was their family photo this season in the pjs she got.  (Her kids like the dinosaur ones as well)  They did a mini-family photo shoot with a local photographer.

James was sick over Christmas this year which is never fun! We did see some brief smiles on Facetime, but he definitely didn't feel well.  Scott reported he was back to himself and enjoying his Christmas gifts shortly after Christmas.

Pretty cute kids if I do say so myself!

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