Sunday, December 20, 2020

Jena's Christmas Celebrations- 2020 style

Because we are lucky enough to share our lives with Jena, we were able to enjoy two special activities last week.

Wednesday night we got to be her drivers (and back seat navigator) on her YSA Ward Drive-by Christmas party.  Between 6-7:30, we went to the three Bishopric members' homes and had a brief conversation and she collected treats for each house.  She loved it and we enjoyed briefly meeting these men who serve in her ward.

Bishop Austad is delivering hot chocolate for us!

They asked Jena and all of the YSA ward to take a picture with their funny glasses and post it on their Facebook group.  Jena went the extra mile and posed with all of her treats.
Friday night, Jena's Friend to Friend group which is a theatre group for those with special needs had their 'virtual" concert.  You may remember me sharing pictures of Jena's filming day in early November.  I think Jena enjoyed seeing her friends more than she enjoyed watching herself
I caught a couple of shots of Jena on screen.
Doing sign language to "O Holy Night."
One of the group shots--
We loved it and appreciate all of you who joined in watching it as well.  We loved  your sweet texts and shared them with Jena.  She loved them as well.  

Experiences we will treasure from the Covid year!

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