Sunday, December 6, 2020

It is Official!!

Last Wednesday it was announced in Zone Devotional that we were assigned to be the new zone leaders....and then things have been very busy!  We are meeting with many different employers at the Church History Library getting trained on a variety of things related to the Church History Library.  We have got so many emails as well with new stuff to learn and new people to meet.  Our zone got a brand new missionary on Friday so we got to be trained on how to train a new missionary on our second day, exactly one month after receiving our own training.

The new Church Service missionary actually serve in HONG KONG when she was a young adult in the mid-1980s so she and Gary exchanged some words in Cantonese--mostly saying their Chinese was not so good any more!  :)   We are very excited to have her in our zone.

Fitting between things, we have been trying to call the members of our zone.  That has been great but with 57 missionaries, it will take awhile to get them all called.  Gary has spent hours getting the information and all of the data organized and correct over the weekend.  I am so glad that I am serving with him.  He is good at organization in a totally different way than me and that is a very good thing.

Talking to the missionaries has shown me that we are truly among some great people who love the Lord and have made sacrifices to serve Him.  Like someone mentioned during Fast and Testimony meeting, no one decides to serve a full-time senior mission and can walk away from their life easily--it requires work, planning, and sacrifice.  Everyone of these missionaries, it seems, has a story of trials and difficulties and yet they serve willingly and cheerfully.  It is a privilege to be counted among them.

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