Monday, May 6, 2024

Transfer Loop-Ellis-style

We started a new tradition.  Gary had told me that Ellises brought muffins and food to transfer loop for the missionaries to eat while they are waiting for their ride or their companions.  He thought we should help out this time and it is now our new tradition--It is always great to be with the Ellises and combine that with the young missionaries and it is an unbeatable combination.  (I hope Sister Ellis teaches their replacements how to make pumpkin muffins.  They are amazing.  She says they are so easy but she is a baker so you can't trust that.  I will be trying them soon though for the young adults.)

We first met at the Springdale Stake Center where the Ft. Smith and Springdale missionaries gather for transfer.  We got there about 8:30 am just shortly before the Ellises.  We were able to barely fit our folding table in (since we helped transport missionary luggage from Ft. Smith to Springdale.)  We brought fruit and drinks.
The fun part was seeing our old friends like Sister Savage--what made this even more special was that she was one of the missionaries going home on Saturday.  We love her.  She is from Manhattan, Kansas, and it literally took her longer to fly home than it would take to drive it, but it didn't work for her family to pick her up.  Fun times...
This is the truck and trailer that transport luggage from one stop to another....
The Ft. Smith sisters and Sister Savage who had been a Ft. Smith sister....all in blue accidently!  I know Jena is not looking in the picture, but this was the best one of the other five and we all know what Jena look like when she is smiling at you.
Sister Witt, Boren, Beagley, Holding, Savage and Jena

Saying goodbye is hard,
especially when you love each other.
We followed the van and the truck and headed to Bentonville and did it all again.  Again, we got to see old friends and exchanges conversations and hugs (with the sisters, of course--no hugging of elders.)

Then on our way home with clearer weather, we stopped and took several rows of grave markers at the cemetery in Prairie Grove and Gary has been busy putting them on Find a Grave and Family Search.

I think this hobby will be a permanent part of our lives as we make road trips in the future.  So grateful that Gary spoke this prompting and acted upon it as we started our service in Arkansas.


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