Monday, May 6, 2024

More Apartment Inspections

We usually do most of the apartment inspections the week before transfer week, but Jena and I had bad colds for 4-5 days last week and so we postponed them until this past week which made for a very busy week with missionaries.

With spring everywhere, we went with a "Popcorn Popping" theme for our inspection treats.
At the first apartment, we were greeted by four pairs of muddy shoes from the sisters out for their morning run....
We love these sweet sisters and glad to spend time with them and all of the missionaries as we inspect their apartments....sad to see Sister Holding's side of the room barren and lots of stuff packed for her transfer to Carthage, MO.
Sister Holding gave us a sweet note that she signed Sister Harding--for some reason Gary called her that once and she responded by calling him ELDER HILL and it became a private joke between them. I added her name below just in case we get an actual Sister Harding some day.

We ended our morning of inspections by heading up to Prairie Grove....
Gary's favorite type of roads....
We had about 20 extra minutes and we were hoping to take more pictures at the local cemetery, but after a clear morning, it started raining when we arrived--literally as I opened the car door the drops were hitting the car and us.  Gary took some pictures through the window while we waited to do the inspection...that is dedication!
Home again, then heading to Clarksville for Game Night at the end of their semester!  Long day, lots of driving, but another good day.

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