Monday, May 6, 2024

St. Louis Temple

The St. Louis Temple has a great location on the top of a small hill...but oddly, it is surrounded by the campus of Missouri Baptist University. It made me wonder what the story was about purchasing the land there.  I did a quick internet search but didn't find anything about it.

I like the Prophet Moroni on the top of temples, but I also understand the need to avoid confusion about who we are and who we worship!  Moroni was one who took an important part in the restoration of the gospel and to me, this represents our call to preach of Jesus Christ to every land, tongue and people!
No rain as we headed into the temple--
Fountain on the west side of the temple in front of the main doors....

After the temple, we had another person take this picture of us using one of the benches by the fountain.

Sister Ellis also likes to take photos...
Ellises (from Orem, Utah)
Cooks (from Coeur d'alene, Idaho)
The east of the temple with the wording "Holiness to the Lord   House of the Lord."

As usual, we had a sweet session in the temple.  Walking around with Jena is like walking with a celebrity...people often greet her and sometimes want to talk to me or thank me for bringing her there.  We had a few brief conversations with the workers--one with a sister who was asking about senior missions.  She and her husband will retire in about a year and are looking into serving a mission.  While she and I were talking in the dressing room, Sister Cook and Sister Ellis joined us and added their testimonies to mine.  We feel so lucky and so blessed to be able to serve as missionaries.

I had an unusual experience.  The first time that I can remember--I entered the Celestial Room and I was the only person there.  (Often there might be a temple worker in the room, but not this time.) The feeling of entering that room was overwhelming and powerful--Sister Cook was just a few steps behind me and she felt it as well--commenting that she also had never entered an empty Celestial room either and it was breathtaking.  I can't speak for her, but for me, it felt personal and ready for ME to enter.  I felt invited and welcomed in an instant.  It was just a moment before others entered and while it maintained its typical holy and peace feeling, that intimate feeling left as I felt another joy of the gathering of those sweet Saints in the temple that day.

It was just an instant, but a moment for my memories--my personal Hall of Faith moment!  How grateful I am for God, His Son, and the gift of the Holy Ghost who allow these sweet moments in my life! 

This IS the Hose of the Lord!

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