Sunday, May 12, 2024

Changes in the YSA

The last week of April the YSA branch presidency was released and President Anderton was put in as the branch president.  (No counselors yet.)  We had met the Andertons back in September as they were volunteers on the train ride from Van Buren to Winslow.  We loved the Carters, Workman, and Logan, but I am sure we will grow to love the Andertons as well.

On the first Sunday in May, we were having Break the Fast at a local park.....we decided to use it as a good bye and thank you to the previous branch presidency.

And this was the weather before Church....and it only got worse throughout the day.

Changing of the branch presidency isn't the only change.  School is ending and students are returning home.  Kylie Hulse who has been attending at Carl Albert State College in Poteau graduated with her Associates and will not be returning in the fall.  She got a scholarship to wrestle in South Dakota and will be spending her next two years there.  She has served in the RS presidency here and we will miss her sweet and friendly spirit and her insights in the gospel.
Sally and Kylie
Despite the rain, we all headed over the Springhill Park and Pavilion where we had a BBQ with hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, and all of the trimmings.

President and Sister Carter
saying goodbye

Jack had found a turtle and Sister Witt loved it!

Karina and Sage with James in the back ground

A great Pavilion with a serving area built in
We were able to grill under the other
pavilion which worked great even with the rain

Sally and Karina climbed around the playground...because that is what you can do in the rain.
On a second trip to the playground, we had convinced Karina it was okay to go down the slide.  She wanted to but didn't want to get our car wet.  She did it and it made us all smile!!

Sister Julie Carter and Jena

Logan, Carters, and us
Julie with Karina
Changes are hard and good and everything in between.  It was a good learning moment for Karina as we had the opportunity to talk about callings and releases and how that happens within the Church.  I love Karina's zeal to understand everything about the Church and her good questions.

 Thank you to Carters, Workmans, and Logan Asplin for your service to the branch over the past years..

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