Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday Moments

My nephew Duncan Giberson (my brother Rick's son) was one of the thousands of missionaries who had to come home early due to the pandemic.  He was fortunate in that he only had one more month to serve, but it is still hard to leave without the usual ending traditions that missions often have and on very short notice as well.

Because he couldn't report in Church, he "facebook lived"  (I know that isn't a verb, but you know what I mean.) his talk and last Sunday we watched it as part of our Sunday activities.

I wonder if I will be better with selfies by the time I am old. :)
Then Jena's YSA bishop had invited the ward to swing by for a social distancing treat and visit, so she (and we) got some yummy cookies for a treat.  His back yard backs up to a park with a large parking lot so they spaced out their chairs and visited for a bit.

Mask on and ready to go!

Jena saying hi and getting some cookies.

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