Sunday, April 19, 2020

"Stay Safe, Stay Home" Week Four Or Is It Five???

The Pandemic continues in many parts of the United States and the world.  Not unexpectedly--since deaths have not been as high as the predictions had been, people are beginning to protest the orders to stay at home except for essential things.  It is a very complicated issue and I am glad that I don't have to make these decisions for anyone except for myself and Gary and Jena.  It is hard to know what is true and what is false--I can understand the concept of "flatten the curve" but also the reality that we can't do this forever or even frequently when there are new viruses about.  While we do watch the news daily (we are fans of the clear reports given by the New York governor who uses good graphics and clear messages when he speaks.  New York has been hard hit by the virus.), we mostly just try to take care of ourselves, makes progress on house projects, and watch more old movies than ever before.

Prior to the pandemic, I made a list of things inside and outside the house of things that we needed to repair or do before we leave on a mission.  It is a very huge list (and I doubt it will all be completed before we leave.  According to Gary, I have over 65000 photos on my computer to sort through the organize.  Crazy!  That might be a task for my next life time. :)   However, we are slowly cross items off the list which is great.  I am not sure how we would ever get anything done without the pandemic to free up our time.

Two of our "Home Prep for Mission" List

After my frustrating experiences with making masks--but having figured it out and having a few extra supplies. I spent some time last Monday making masks for Jessica's workplace and some for us as well.  They are a little bit more colorful that the ones that I made for Hill Air Force Base and went together without difficulty.  Now the General Relief Society has invited us to be part of making 5 million masks for health care workers...they provide all supplies, but these are medical grade masks, so I will need to check the pattern before I sign up.

And since I had my sewing machine out and some "extra" time, I FINALLY completed that last grandchild's quilt by sewing the edging on Ava's quilt.  I don't know why that seems like such a huge task because I do know how to do it better than when I first started doing quilts several years ago.  I love how it turned out.

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