Sunday, April 5, 2020

Keeping Jena Busy

Jena is one of the most easy going people, but staying home is not her favorite activity.  She has been good to do extra household tasks and we added Disney Plus to add some options to her viewing.  But this past week, we have tried to find ways that she could serve others.  She has been facetiming friends and sending texts. On Monday and Tuesday, she drew pictures for each of her nieces and nephews often looking up pictures especially to copy for them, i.e. For Liam, she drew a bowtie--because he loves them and for Niki a guitar.

On Wednesday, Jena drew a picture for a young adult woman named Sarah who lives in Utah and is dying from leukemia.  We don't know her personally but saw a request for notes and put something together for her.  Jena drew a beautiful sunflower and we heard back that Sarah and her family loved it.

Friday, I had Gary pick up bags of M&Ms to share as conference treats.  When he brought them home, he said, I guess you are putting together Conference Bingo and that is why you want M&Ms.  Well, no...but he was so disappointed, I decided to do it. Luckily, had great "Conference Square" games which worked perfectly and our neighbors loved the game and the treat.

But actually, I think our neighbors loved a brief chat at the front door and seeing someone new.  We would put the treat on the porch, ring the bell, and then step back about 12 feet for good social distancing.  Even though we only spoke briefly, it was nice to say hi to friends in person, not just on social media and texting.

I know I loved the brief visit I had with Dianne Lee when she dropped off a treat for me this week as well--a little Easter basket.

Thinking about others has made this week go fast.  I have been telling my clients to spend 30 minutes outside each day (safely) and 30 minutes a day in intentional interactions with people outside their immediate household and work.  It worked for us this week.  How about you?

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