Sunday, March 15, 2020

Laryngitis and Spring Cleaning

Starting from March 6, I have had a cold that developed into laryngitis--I never had a fever--which is very important as you will discover in a following post--but laryngitis is not helpful when you are a social worker.  Although I was beginning to feel better by the following Tuesday when I needed to go to work, my voice was not so I ended up staying home on both Tuesday and Wednesday.

Since I was feeling some better, in between binge watching "Elementary" on Hulu, I worked slowly on spring cleaning my kitchen and dejunking it as well.  The knowledge that we will be likely packing stuff up to let someone live in our house and watch the dogs is great motivation to decide what to keep and what to donate or throw away.

These wooden plates I got in the Philippines over 30 years ago.  In the photo, they still look fairly good but they had been put in the dishwasher too many times to really use them anymore, so they are gone.

This is a plate the kids gave us one Christmas--love you all, but now we only just have this photo of it!
It took me all week, but it was so nice to have it clean and done.  With the craziness of the world at this time, having my pantry organized was especially useful.

I still have a "froggy" throat and cough now and then, but feeling much better now and hope to be able to go to work on Tuesday.  We will see how things go!  Two colds in less than a month is unusual for me, but working with the public can do that.  We have been fortunate to not have any signs of the flu this year...knock on wood!

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