Sunday, March 15, 2020

Family History Continues....

Valerie and I had one more family "history" moment after I dropped Jena and Emily off at their apartment in Provo.  We had arranged to meet up with my cousin who lives in Mapleton and have dinner together.

My cousin-in-law, Raelene, snapped this photo of Valerie, our cousin-Dan Gibson, and I while we were reviewed old pictures that Dan had on his computer of all of us when we were little.  His dad, my Uncle Grant, was a photographer, and due to that, we have many photos of us as cousins lined up for photos during our summer vacations to Portland, Oregon, where our grandmother and aunts, uncles, and cousins lived.  These were usually not planned and organized pictures of us in our Sunday best, but us in playclothes, hot from summer fun, lined up or bunched together for one or two shots of us.  Didn't matter if someone had their eyes closed or someone else was picking their nose--it was recorded--life at that moment in time--no reshots--or do overs.  But how grateful I am for those photos that connect me to my childhood and those I loved.  And it was a sweet time that we spent with Dan and Raelene, talking about those things and our own memories of our grandmother we share.

One example:  My mom, Grandma Owen, Aunt Lois holding Lura
Marilois, my brother-Todd, me, Renee, Becky
sitting:  Margaret  (other than Todd and I--these all belong to Aunt Lois)

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