Thursday, September 5, 2019

Wild Life

We can't leave this section of the blog without some comments about the wild life that Scott and Chantel are enjoying in Oro Valley.  All who knew Scott as a kid knew he loved snakes and lizards and turtles.  Well, now we know it was prep for living in Oro Valley.

A few days after we got home, we got a video from them showing a bobcat walking around in their back yard...and then three little baby bobcats as well, climbing trees and laying in the evening sun.  Most people would see that as a deal breaker but the Halls loved it.  The neighbors said that they come by from time to time.  The backyard neighbors are gone in the summers and the bobcats often stay in that yard and roam the neighborhood.  After three or four evenings they didn't see them again in their yard although they have seen bobcats in other open range areas.  (I saw one when I was driving to Church when I was there.)

Then there was this cute photo--from their backyard--  (add scorpion picture)

And another--this time with Scarlett holding a huge tarantula--

I asked Scott if he checked to make sure these were safe before bringing them home.  He said, "Yes, of some of that "safety" garage when I was looking how to catch them."  Jessica said in the same text feed:  "Oh, mom-Scott survived the giant snapping turtle in the backyard and the poisonous snake in the garage just fine without googling."   Don't remind me!

And there has been the rattlesnake, a fox................And then there is the everyday lizards, toads, and birds everywhere!  And quite a few bugs, too. He tells me that a gila monster is the main thing left on his bucket list.

Their home actually has an approved desert tortoise habitat in the backyard--they can go to a local rescue and bring a turtle home if they would like.

I think Scott has found his natural home!  Glad he can share this with his kids!

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