Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Rest of Life-Part 2

As I mentioned, life went on around us even with extra people in the house.  Jena worked at The Rush, went to Gigi's Playhouse (we even ran a couple of the groups this summer), ushered at plays, and attended several YSA activities.  Gary and I were busy with our usual stuff and were making plans for our upcoming trip to Europe.  Ben continues to work part time in the DBH kitchen and live in a community home in Clinton.

new work shirt
When Tosha and I were in Arizona, Gary sent me these photos from a day they spent at Lagoon while we were gone.

We saw a few plays this summer-- My Fair Lady and The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Centerpoint and then Cinderella and Freaky Friday at the Hale Theatre.  (I actually didn't see Freaky Friday because it was right after I had first gone to the doctor with my hip/back thing and riding in cars was not what I needed at that time.)

Jena and Emily
Meggan and Jena
It was a busy and fun, fun, fun summer---probably will never have one quite like it again!

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