Thursday, September 5, 2019

Homeward Bound-Part Two

Due to a huge need for cars in Cedar City, they were going to charge us $200 if we returned the car to Salt Lake rather than Cedar City.  So Gary drove down to Cedar City in Tosha's car and met us there to return the car, check out our car at the shop, and then drive us back to Syracuse.  With Zenley, it is easy for us to track each other and we hooked up at the repair shop within just a few minutes of each other.

There we met the nice owner of the shop and got to see the car one more time.  He was the first person who mentioned that the car might be totalled.  It never occured to me that it won't be repairable.  We just hit a deer after all.  After Gary saw it, I think he was pretty sure they would total it and it turned out that the following week, the insurance company decided that was the case.  So I had my first wreck and totalled the car.  Darn, I liked that car and it got great gas mileage.  When we get back from our trip to Europe we will have to replace the car, but for the moment we are a one truck family.

The only slight problem was when I tried to get out of the car to meet Gary, my whole leg and hip spasmed--apparently a lot of driving cross country is a bit hard on old joints.  It wasn't the most comfortable drives home but I wasn't driving anymore and could sit back and relax and leave the driving to Gary.

And after all of that, we made it home to Syracuse Thursday night.  Tired but happy!  It had been a fun trip.

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