Sunday, September 1, 2019

All Together--Evening One

With the timing was between Tosha coming to Utah and Scott and Chantel needing to be in Oro Valley, AZ, we had three precious days of time together with everyone there.  Of course, we had to squeeze time in between Scott and Chantel packing, Tosha visiting the Russells/Hamlins, and Jessica and Elessia working and life.

The first time was Saturday night--Jessica and Elessia and family came up from Magna and we stole Scarlett and James from their parents (who were busy packing) and for the first time, we had all nine of our grandchildren together in one place.

As you can imagine, nine kids from ages of almost five down to 8 months can create a lot of noise and fun.

Niki, Liam in back and James on the table

CArter, Alex, and Ava

Niki and Liam

Cooper and James and toys everywhere

Carter happy to grab this apple dropped by Zander

I tried to get a picture of these cute moments with Aunt Jena, Scarlett, Liam, Zander, and James playing ring-a-round-the-roses on the trampoline.  They were having a great time until I had to stop it as the "falling down" part was getting a bit dangerous of the little ones.
Scarlett and Ava--our oldest grandchild and our youngest--built a sweet friendship.  Scarlett has been so excited to add all three of the little granddaughters--
And--chessy smiles for the win!!  Jena and Liam
It was fun to see the kids play together or to break up in smaller groups of 2 or 3--inside or downstairs, it didn't matter as long as they were together.

And I loved it.

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