Sunday, February 26, 2017

Kids say the darndest things--Scarlett style!

Finally on President's Day, Jena was over her cold so she finally got to meet James.  The day before he was born last week, Jena had made him a Welcome sign--"Wellcome James Part big family Aunt Jena".  What a luck boy to have an aunt like Jena to welcome him to the world.  Fun times are ahead, little James with your Aunt Jena.

While we were there, Scarlett was enjoying having us there and was keeping us all entertained during the visit.  At one point, she told Grandpa Hall (Gary) that she needed to go to the "potty".  Gary suggested she asked me for help but then she started playing with something else.  Gary asked her: "Were you just pulling my leg?"  Scarlett immediately pops up from the floor and say "Come everybody" and she rushes over to Gary and begins pulling his leg. We were rolling with laughter and she was simply puzzled why we didn't rush to pull his leg as well.  The joys of learning English and all of its funny sayings.

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