Sunday, July 17, 2016

Another special time for Sis. Hall....

On Wednesday, June 29th, I posted this picture of Jena on LDS Down syndrome specific Facebook page:

And I shared the following comment:"And she is off on another day of her service mission at the Layton DI. She told me yesterday when she was serving at the Church History Museum, a mom came up and introduced herself to Jena and then introduced her child who also had Down syndrome. Jena reported that the mom then told her child, "See you can be a missionary just like Sis. Hall." Yes, they can. I reminded Jena that her example is impacting lots of people. This is just one example. So if you are ever at the Church History Museum on Tuesdays from 10-2, stop in and meet our cute missionary. She would love it."

And of course, we got sweet comments from friends who know us and Jena, lots of "likes", and also some very special comments.  One from a person from Georgia who saw Jena serving a couple of months ago when she was in Salt Lake for a wedding.  She said that she went to get her child with Down syndrome to introduce him to Jena but she was gone when they got back.  A mother in Australia commented that it was great to see and hear about Jena's mission so she can help her daughter who is now 13 be ready to serve if she wants to.  But the very best was that the mother who Jena had met that day commented and shared her side of meeting Jena and then bringing her son to meet her.  Her son is 13 and named Michael. She commented that she spent some time with those ladies who work with Jena and they shared how much they loved having her there.  Her son loves the art in the museum so they are hoping he might get to serve there too some day.  How great is that? I never thought my post would actually be seen by the family involved. His mom actually sent me a picture of Michael for Jena to put in her mission journal.  

There are lots of ways to be a missionary and Jena is showing others that their service matters, too.

1 comment:

Robynn said...

I agree with all of those sweet comments. Sister Jena Hall has such a radiant spirit about her, it's the Love of God that she so willingly gives to everyone she meets. I could feel it so strong when I got to hug her in the Church History Museum. I've always loved that museum, but never more then when Sister Jena was there. I love your blog Judy and I LOVE YOU!