Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Week of The "Lasts" Has Begun--the Last Day at Church

The whole time we have been here, this Institute banner has been in the Ft. Smith building reminding the YSAs about Institute.  The small paper attached to it now includes the QR code for our electronic programs each Sunday which not only includes the Sunday program but all of the announcements for upcoming events--all in one place.
Andertons were out of town to welcome a new grandson in Utah, but here is the group for that day (including Michael in the lower right hand corner.  This was his first Sunday at Church and he was baptized over Conference weekend.)

Gary and Christian tried very hard to not be in the photo.

Jena posing at the west doors of the Stake Center...the clouds and the reflections made it a fun photo moment.

Not saying goodbye yet because we had other things already scheduled for the week.

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