Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Lone Photo

Here is the only photo I took last week.  This was last night as Gary and Jena started a new puzzle on the dining room table as I watched the BYU Men's volleyball game, streaming from our laptop.

We started the week with another ice day on Monday, so mission meetings were over zoom and we all stayed home for the day.  Monday night Gary got sick with a stomach bug which hit me about 12 hours later (mine was much easier than Gary's bout.)  That kept us all home on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Thursday we did our regular run to Clarksville for Institute and dinner.  Friday Jena and I spent the morning helping a sister in the Ft. Smith ward whose family is going through some hard things.  We will do that weekly for awhile until she doesn't need us any more.  Jena loved playing with their three young kids.  Friday night was game night at the Church from 8-11.  Our plan was to head out around 10, but game playing was happening.  We ended the night playing Apples to Apples which we haven't played with Jena for a very long time.  She loved it and it was a good game for her to join in.  We had a tiny group but still had fun and good conversation.

Saturday was mostly spent preparing our talks for Church the evening volleyball game.  We missed the Texas/BYU men's basketball game but BYU won in this first and only Big 12 matchup between the two teams in Provo.

And that brings us to today--We gave our talks in Church, helped serve a nacho bar to the young adults after Church, and then attended a devotional for all youth and young adults about missionary work.  Sister Collins spoke which was amazing, of course and she shared a brief clip from President Collins who had to attend some meetings in Missouri today.  They also got short video clips from five of the missionaries currently serving from the stake who shared their testimonies to the youth of the stake.  That was very sweet.  The stake president shared an amazing message also by video as he was out of town this weekend.  He said "You  know we are talking about missionary work--but I want to invite you first to read the Book of Mormon this year. "  Basically, his message was become converted because then the desire to be a missionary will follow.  After the devotional, they had eight or nine members of the stake who had served mission set up displays from the area where they served and food, etc.  They did a great job.  And they served popcorn as well.

And that was our day and our week--even without photos, our service continues!

Happy Sunday!

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