Sunday, October 30, 2022

Thursday Nights

As my dad settled back at home, I made arrangements to visit each Thursday evening so that Karla could run errands and visit with her mom who was also in declining health.  Karla's daughter, Kim, was still in town and helping with Karla's mother along with Karla's sister, Kathy, who had just arrived into town as well.  Those things were helpful for Karla as she was torn between being with Dad and being at her mother's.

Those Thursday nights became a highlight of my week even as my dad continued to decline in his health.  When I was home, I was trying to keep my siblings updated and help them make arrangements in their busy lives to make trips up to see our dad.  It was a crazy time to be a missionary all day and then come home and be worried about my dad.  It was like living two different lives in a way.

One of the things that my dad told me one night was "I was so proud of you guys for choosing to serve a mission despite your family situation.  And I was willing for you to go anywhere.  What great love God has for me that he brought you even closer to me." Little moments to always be remembered!

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