Sunday, October 30, 2022

My Little Miracle

As you can imagine, September 21 was an emotional day when you have to control your emotions so that you can do the things that needed to be done and support those around you.  Gary was AMAZING!!! He knew when to step in and what to do for Karla and I and when to let us do it or figure it out on our own.  All day I would look at him and just be so grateful that he was sharing this with me.  That is what a partner does.  I hope that I did that for him in at least some small ways when his sweet parents passed away as well.

About 5:00 pm, I thought we should have some food and offered to make a run to Cafe Zupa for soup and salads.  I didn't have my purse so Gary gave me his credit card and off I went.  I had ordered the food on line so I just needed to go in, pay for it, and grab it and go!  I did all of that and headed home.  As I grabbed the food and my phone out of the car at the house, I realized that I didn't have the credit card.  I dropped the food off and headed back to the store about 10 minutes away in a panic.  We didn't need a missing credit card at a time like this...but this is the stuff that happens when grief arrives.

I headed into the store watching the ground as I walked but confident that I must have left it at the cash register.  No luck--they actually have two credit cards in their lost and found but neither were mine.  I walked slowly back in the rain to the car...and there it was...face down on the blacktop.

I had probably stepped on it in my rush to the store. It had a footprint on it. I couldn't believe that I had found it, but I knew that my prayer had been answered.  It was a simple thing.  We could have stopped payment, got a new card, the stuff you do when a card is lost.  But we didn't have to this time.  I admitted--I cried in gratitude for this little miracle.

Picture is a "re-enactment" of finding of the card.  I picked it up first to confirm it was our card but then put it back so I could take a picture--that is what happens when you do a blog!

Even during hard times, life is a bit better if you can see the little miracles around us.

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