Sunday, October 30, 2022

Grandmother Time

 Jena and I got to spend the second weekend of the month watching Jessica's and Elessia's kids while they took a quick get-away to California Adventures.  Being a grandmother (ad an aunt) is pretty fun.  

One thing we did was go for an evening walk to the Bird Refuge in Layton.

The whole crew
Liam, Alex, Ezri
Ezri and Zander
Aunt Jena
Poor Carter had tripped and bruised her knee right before we got to the "photo" spot so she wasn't interested in posing.
Tried to get a girl photo but that didn't work either.
Heading back

It was a beautiful place for a walk as dusk was falling!  

We didn't quite get to the car before the mosquitos began attacking us.... 
Treat time.....

I love watching the kids in their pretend play with each other.  My job was to keep Ezri from messing things up!  Ezri thinks she is as big as they are but she isn't even two yet and she doesn't get the details of cooperative pretend play yet.
It was a good break from the busyness of the mission and the worry about my dad.  Kids are great like that.

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