Saturday, April 16, 2022

Spring Break And Some Grandma/Aunt Time In Syracuse

Jena and I spent Monday, April 4, hanging out in Syracuse with Jessica and Elessia's kids for the day.  It was spring break and we were all in for a day of play.

We did puzzles.......
Painted rocks for the garden

Built a fort----this was Liam's and Zander's creation!

Then Liam and Zander decided to "play hotel" and Liam made some signs for different rooms of his hotel----
These is the bedroom of the hotel---see sign below.  :)

Then we tried to get a picture at the table of all five kids looking to send to Jessica and Elessia...but no one was interested in that plan!  The ice cream snack was much more interesting!

We then made chocolate chip/plain or blueberry pancakes for DINNER because if grandma is there, anything goes! They liked the plain and chocolate chips ones but not the blueberry ones at all.  They like their blueberries cold and NOT in pancakes.

We had a fun day!  Until next time, young ones!

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