Saturday, April 16, 2022

A Little Free Library Find

We went to visit one of our missionaries in downtown Salt Lake CIty who has been sick for a few months with liver disease and I saw this little free library down the block when we arrived.  So after our visit, I ran down to take a picture of it!

However, as we got in our car and drove back down the street, I noticed that a woman had come out on the porch so I had Gary stop so I could talk to her.  I wondered if she had noticed me taking a photo and had come out to check on it.  I introduced myself and explained that I had a free library at our home so I had taken a photo of hers.  She was friendly until I asked if she would like me to donate some books to her library (because I have 4 totes of extra books at home).  She hesitated and then said slowly, "Well I am not what kind of books?"  Then I realized I was wearing my missionary tag, of course.  I assured her that it would be the regular variety of books like she already had and she was okay with that.  I will drop some books off next time we visit our missionary.


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