Sunday, February 9, 2020

A Snowy Walk

If you know me, you know I am not a snow person.  Snow on Christmas Day or on the mountains (as long as I am not driving in that direction) is all well and fine.  I understand that snow is critical for our water supply and I can respect that.  I am just not a fan of dealing with it.

We haven't had a lot of snow until the past few weeks, but late in January, the weather was slightly more moderate and I decided to try a morning walk at Jensen Pond.  Snow clouds were forming along the mountains but there were some blue skies to the west so it was a pretty day to be out (if you were dressed warm.)

The sun peeked out between the snow clouds .....
...and the reflections on the dripping snow was magically.  I took lots of pictures to try to capture the view, but it didn't work, so you will have to use your imagination or your memory of a similar event.  Snow and frost covered the dried plants along the path and in the fields along the way.  Due to the increasing temperature, there were tiny drops of water on the end of many of the tiny branches or tufts of grass and as the sun hit them, they all glistened like diamonds everywhere.  It only lasted for a minute until the clouds covered the sun--another sweet moment in nature that you only can see if you are out there.

This one almost captured the reflection of the sun in the water drops---

Nature--got to love it!

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