Sunday, March 3, 2019

Not a fan of snow

but it can be stunningly beautiful from the warmth of your home looking outwards.  I was actually standing on our covered porch when I took most of  these photos.  It was just as the sun was rising over the mountains in the east and the combination of the snow, light, and blue skies was breathtaking...really nothing more to say.  Just think of your favorite music as you view these snowy scenes in our yard.

These were taken a later in the day after the ice began to melt on the rain chain.  (You know I had to include a rain chain picture--every year!)

If you look closely, you can see how the ice around the little buckets have slipped into the one below as they melted.
Seriously, I don't know why everyone does not have one of these in their yards---well, except those who live in Arizona and Texas.  :)   And even there on rainy days, they would be amazing.

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