Sunday, April 29, 2018

Floors, colds, and lots of TV watching

On Easter, in the middle of that great day, I started to feel like I was getting a cold.  By Monday morning I was sure and the following two weeks, I mostly went to work and slept, except for the days I stayed home from work to sleep.  It was one of those colds which kept on hanging on and eventually led to a sinus infection and strep.....probably a "gift" from one of my sweet clients.  It is weird to be working full-time and trying to not overdo, but also meet your obligations as an employee.  Working as a therapist is difficult when you can't talk---

Of course, not only was I sick, we had other plans as well.  The main one was getting the house ready to have our wood floors refinished, floors being refinished, and then putting the house back together.  Even though on the kitchen, entry and dining room have wood floors, it was a great job doing all of that.  For floor days, we had to keep the dogs off of the floors and out of the house.  The first two days, they mostly slept on the deck, Gary and I were in the basement where we could climb in and out of the window to play with them.  The last two days it was raining (of course), so Gary set his computer up in the garage and they went from the garage, outside and back again.  Gary really went the extra mile to help take care of the dogs during this whole process.

I don't know what people do that only have wood floors.  We moved things off the wood floor into the family room....
the hallway...
 And the living room (thanks to Scott who came and helped Gary with some of the big pieces.)

The dogs didn't know what to think about the empty spaces....(from our front door towards the dining room....

At nights, we covered the floors with blankets so that we and the dogs could walk to the bedrooms.
Shiny floors......
 I love wood floors.....
I didn't get a photo with Gary all set up in the garage, but this was the table and where he worked for two days.  He was glad to move back into his office.
So, when the floors were done but all of the furniture was still off of it, I decided that I wanted to paint the baseboard.  I couldn't talk so it actually wasn't a bad way to spend Saturday afternoon.  When it was done, I was so glad that I had done it.  It looks great.
The floors were done during the second week of April.  However, it was only the past week that I finished washing the walls and rehanging all of the pictures. 

Owning a home is a lot of work!!  Mostly worth it, but work nonetheless.

And finally after an antibiotic, lots of sleep and TV watching, I was better....just in time for my annual allergy season in the last two weeks of April.

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