Sunday, February 25, 2018

Awesome Activities

over the past couple of weeks for Jena (some of which Gary and I were a part of).

Centerpoint Theatre's "Hats Off to Volunteers" dinner----They had dinner stations which matched the different shows from 2017, i.e. "1776" was the salad with red and blue berries in a tossed salad.  It was a dress up affair and fancy.  They had a review on stage from all of the productions which was so fun.

Valentine Fun from the apartment in Provo--

On Monday night, they attended their ward Valentine Party.  On Tuesday night, they attended Country Dancing again. On Wednesday they prepared cookies and other things for their Valentine luncheon that they hosted on Thursday for their volunteers and other friends.

Cookies and art work:
Jena, Emily with Sara in the background
One of the guests was David Brown, a friend of Jena's from Clearfield High School.  He posted the following on his Facebook page along with the picture of Jena and David at the luncheon.

"2 weeks ago I was about 30 minutes late for class because I had to drop someone off at the airport. I decided to take a different route to campus to get there ASAP. While driving I miraculously passed one of my favorite people from high school who I hadn’t seen in almost 4 years! That led to an awesome lunch with some amazing people yesterday! So happy I ran into Jena. 

Have I mentioned what good kids went to Clearfield High School with Jena.

Getting ready by dipping strawberries in chocolate.  I was fortunate in that Jena brought me one of those strawberries to eat when she came home for the weekend.

Saturday night we attended the production of "Cash on Delivery" at the new Hale Theatre in Sandy, Utah.

Meggan Sparrow joined us for the show
This was held in the Jewel Box theatre where we also saw "Forever Plaid."  Our first production in the brand new Main Theatre will be next month for "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"   We hear that the staging and sets and music is amazing for that show.
 They now have a fancy parking garage which overlooks I-15.  As we parked on the very west side of the garage, I thought I would take a picture to show it as we are about on eye level with the freeway.  However as we got close to our car, I saw that the sunset was much more interesting and beautiful than the freeway so I snapped some pictures of that.

This past week--

Temple Trip:  Until I got the text with the pictures, I didn't even know that they were planning to go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead.  It was one of those moments when I thought--"Jena is growing up and really an adult."  It was a scary experience for her to do baptisms when she was younger and now here she is making decisions to go to the temple with her friends.  Thanks to all of those YW leaders and friends who helped her along the way.

Jena, Brooke, Sara, and Emily
Brooke wrote in a text:  "Today we went to the Provo City Center Temple and did baptisms.  It was a really neat experience.  They all expressed how happy they were in the temple and were very excited to be in the temple together.  I loved getting to go with them. :) "

Then later, Bruna took them to visit two senior living centers to deliver cookies and to sing songs.
With Amy and her aide and the girls
Bruna's text with the above picture read:  "I apologize I couldn't send this out before, but we had a great afternoon yesterday.  We dropped some cookies for the residents at the Lindon care center and then sang some songs at the Osmond Senior Center.  The girls really shined as they served and had a marvelous time!  Sara sang a solo of Be Still My Soul acapella and there was not a dry eye in the room!  I'm so glad I get to work with these wonderful ladies!"

And I think that brings us up to date!!!

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