Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Old Testament

I don't know about you, but I am not a big reader of the Old Testament.  I have read it from cover to cover a few times in my life and have read sections while studying the Old Testament in Sunday School from time to time, but not consistently over the years.  I tend to focus my personal study to the Book of Mormon mostly.

This year we are studying the Old Testament in Primary so I decided it was a good time to try reading it again.  So I stocked up with some new study supplies from Dessert Book (missing is a book about Isaiah) and started off. 

And I am reminded why I don't read it much.  You have to admit that the stories can be a bit confusing and the style is not the fresh and readable style of the Book of Mormon or even much of New Testament.  This study guide has been helpful and I am learning more than I knew before, but I am already wondering if I should alternate between the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon to give myself a break!  Suggestions?

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