Monday, February 22, 2010

Jena and Blue and Gold Banquet 2010

Just a Jena up-date first:  She was off to school on Friday (with the doctor's permission).  She has done so great recovering that we decided she might as well be at school.  She is still one happy camper to have the stuff gone from her mouth.  Now she is looking forward to getting her new "pink" Personal Progress book tomorrow night at New Beginnings and not looking forward to getting braces.

Everyone else is hanging in there.  We are happy to have a sunshiney Monday with blue skies and fluffy clouds for a morning or so.  I looked to see if there were signs of crotus or tulips yet, but no signs in the front yard which is north facing...maybe in the back.

We had an outstanding Blue and Gold Banquet.  Because of the size of our Scout Pack, we only invite the scouts and their parents to the Blue and Gold.  Our theme was "In the Spotlight" presented by the Pack 838 Players.  The gym was set up as a park with a pretend stage.  The scouts brought blankets to sit with their parents on the floor while the 11 yr. old Scouts served a picnic like dinner (BBQ sanwiches, chips, veg. with dip, and a bottle of water (Note to those who are involved in such things--no tables, centerpieces, placemats, chairs...I think you get the picture.  Of course, we had over 8 Christmas trees to set up to make our park, but no cost in that.)  We had a red carpet and each of our Scouts were introduced with some fun facts and they got to walk down the red carpet.  After dinner, we divided into the dens and the moms and dads were also their own group.  I had the 12 pre-scouts who will turn 8 this year.  We all were given props and we had to make a skit and then perform it.  It turned out great with the Moms' skit "AB C Scout Soup" and the dad's "Visit to the Land of Oz" being the big hits.

The boys each received an Oscar neckerchief slid (our Pack Committee Chairmen, Cindy Anderson, makes a slide for each month).  In addition they all got a slide holder.  See pictures.  Sorry I don't have great pictures of our Walnut Grove Park.  My camera set at the Church while I was busy doing things in the background.  These are some pictures of my slide and holder.

It is so amazing what people can do and the time that they will spend to provide a wonderful time for the Cub Scouts.  It is such a good program for boys to be involved in.  I told Scott the other day that I am excited for the time when I can go to Pack Meetings and be involved with my grandsons.  Scouts is definately something that Scott and his sons will be involved in.  Scott liked scouts a lot himself.

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