Monday, October 30, 2023

The Rest Of The Stories: Part One-Wednesday

Both of our temple trips last week came with bits of a story as well, separate from the beauty of the temple and the work done that is why they are in a separate post--

Wednesday was the mileage---we left home around 7:30 am to have time to get some gas and get to Clarksville to pick up the elders.  The missionaries were all doubling up to save miles to make the trip to the temple and we were lucky enough to get to take the Clarksville elders--Elder Stuart who goes home in a couple of weeks and Elder Gallup, his trainee who just arrived in the mission (He is actually a visa waiter scheduled to go to Peru soon).  We got them, headed to the temple, and then after the temple and lunch at a nearby restaurant all together (Smoky's BBS--delicious!) we headed back to Clarksville--however, we took a back road which should have only taken about 20 minutes longer, but took about an hour longer, but it was beautiful and we all loved seeing the beautiful colors....

Sunrise over the Arkansas River

Fall on the way to Clarksville
Fall colors and blue sky with fluffy clouds--a beautiful day to travel the scenic by-ways of Arkansas
We stopped at a view overlook to get a few photos...

A fall tree tunnel
We got the missionaries home safe and sound and an hour before their dinner appointment.....but then we were off again going from Clarksville to Poteau, Oklahoma to watch an intermural scrimmage for the women's wrestling team.  Kylie Hulse, one of our YSA, is on the team and invited us.  For those keeping track, that is an hour and thirty minutes west and south of Clarksville.....

We got there about 2 minutes after it started but made it into our seats before the beginning fanfare was finished.  We had about 6 of us from the branch there which was nice, since she is from Idaho and her family can't travel down here for these types of things.

Kylie is in the black and won her match!

We grabbed some dinner after the match and made it home about 9:30 pm and around 325 miles of driving later......we slept well that night!

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