Sunday, August 13, 2023

YSA "Aloha" Night

On Friday, we gathered at the Alma building for a end of the summer get together with the young adults.  The fun was good, the conversations fun, but watching the young adults play games and enjoy each other was the very best.......(Gary felt bad.  Due to an accidental step back by me onto his foot earlier in the week, he is missing part of a toe nail and has a sore toe which means no shoe on that foot--so no 9 square for him tonight.)

Here we are!

 9 Square

The Limbo

The hulu hoop contest--Jacob and Brooklyn have some skills...

Jena loved it.  She said it was perfect.
The Mango Go Game--trying to protect your mango while knocking everyone's off by only touching the spoon itself, not the person...this is Kevin and Chris
Sister Carter did a great job with the decorations and the food.

Setting up before it started.
The Van Buren Elders let us in the building and
helped with the set up--and did a bit of 9 Square themselves
As always, we wish more people were there, but we had a great time, especially once the air conditioning started working in the Cultural Hall--took it awhile while we were setting up.

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