Sunday, April 2, 2023

Oro Valley- Monday/Tuesday morning

Monday morning, the kids were on spring break and we all headed to the Tucson Botanical Gardens.  They had never been before so they were excited.....

and Scarlett and James were even more excited when they saw the amazing LEGO displays throughout the gardens.
The Lego displays were so interesting.  Many of them came with signs which told how long it took to build them and how many bricks.

This one below took 112,450 bricks and 383 hours to build.  Crazy!

We loved the displays of plants, LEGOS, and the butterfly house.

We loved the beautiful butterflies in the butterfly house

We caught one that had landed on Gary's shoulder.
Scott and Chantel were with us, too, but somehow I have mostly pictures with Scarlett and James..

A fun morning---they also had some great cacti but there have been enough pictures of cacti in the past several posts so I will skip those.  They were amazing as well.

After the Gardens, we split up.  From the moment, I had arrived, Scarlett had talked about the "girls" going shopping and to lunch together.  I assumed it was something that she does with her other grandmother who visits often.  However, when I checked with Chantel, she said that it wasn't.  She wasn't sure where Scarlett had come up with the idea but that she had been talking about it for a few days.  Well, we decided we had to make it happen......

So, Gary, Scott and James headed to "Freddy's" for some great hamburgers and fries and the four of us headed to "teaspoon" for lunch.  It was a quaint little restaurant in a higher end shopping area.  We had to wait about 35 minutes for our table. As we walked around, we stopped in a rock and gem store.  The owner was happy to visit with us and told us a few stories about being a "rock hound." He gave Scarlett and Jena a piece of crystal from Arkansas from the open gem mine there that many people have told us about.

Scarlett had her strawberry waffle she was hoping for
Next, we headed to the shopping part of our outing--she picked Target which was a great choice.
It was a fun afternoon and definitely a tradition we will likely continue.

Monday night is Jiu-Jitzu night for Scarlett and James.  Scarlett really enjoys it and is very detailed in her style and moves.  James is not as excited about it as she is.
Waiting to practice a flip together...
Tuesday morning--saying good bye......

We are wondering if Scarlett will almost be as tall as Jena when we see them next in 18 months or so.

Thanks for letting us visit, Chantel and Scott.  We loved spending time with you, playing games, and going places.

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