Sunday, June 5, 2022

Memorial Day 2022

We had a quiet weekend over Memorial Day this year.  Jena finally started feeling better but still had a cough so we decided low-key was best.  Ben did come home for an afternoon visit on Monday.

Before he came, we heard some popping sounds outside.  I would have thought it was construction noises as construction is everywhere downtown these days--but it was the holiday.  Fortunately, Gary happened to be standing outside at the time and realized that it was a 21 gun salute at the Capital Building in honor of Memorial Day.  I got to the balcony in time for this photo of the resulting smoke.

So grateful for the men and women who stood in battlefields around the world to defend our country and freedom--but so sad that those same men and women had to stand in scary places where the sounds of firing guns were not a "salute" but someone trying to end your life. Although humans have fought each other since the beginning of time, we are not made for war and being in a war harms everyone. 

Some day, peace will come again to the earth--what a great time that will be.

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