Sunday, November 7, 2021

Another Office Move

It has seemed awkward to me for Gary and I to have offices across from each other.  The space is nice, but when missionaries drop in, they wonder which side to go to first or we have to move over to be together. Then each time, we needed to talk to each other, one of us would have to move over.

So we made a switch--Jena now has her own desk and a place for outgoing mail too big for the cupboard and Gary and I are sharing a cubicle.

Jena LOVES it!! and moved the name plates right away.

It is a bit of a tight fit, but I feel like it is working out better for us.  Although I have spent a lot of the week in trainings for oral histories, so we really haven't sat much together there to do actual work.

We have pointed out to the staff that this doesn't mean that we are surrendering the other cubicle for future zone leaders who might prefer the additional space.  We will see how that works. Space is a precious commodity in the Church History Library.

I think we are set for the rest of our mission!

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