Sunday, September 5, 2021

And The Rains Came!

Utah has been in a severe drought for the past few years which has worsened this year.  Lots of prayers have been given asking for rain and in August, we did finally get some.

After a dinner visit with Ben, we decided against some time in the park because of increasing winds.  Smart move as five minutes after we dropped him off at the state hospital, the rains and winds started and by the time we reached the freeway entrance, Gary decided it would be smarter to take the background because the rain was so powerful.

The rains lessened by the time we reached American Fork so we took the freeway up to Salt Lake only to discover State Street with rain pouring down most lanes of the road.

And construction projects along State Street only added to the excitement.

We have had rain off and on this month so we actually used our umbrellas a few times as we headed to the Church History Library.  We ended up with about 2.3 inches of rain for the month which is the most this year.  Some areas in Utah had much more rain and there was flooding in several areas due to how quickly so much rain fell.  Nothing like other areas of the country who had to deal with hurricanes.  In general, we were grateful for the rain and hope for more to help the ground and the water supply chain.


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