Sunday, September 12, 2021

Grandparent Time

I got to spend Friday and Saturday with the Syracuse Halls while Jessica and Elessia took an overnight getaway.  Too busy to get any good pictures but this is us being silly together.

Liam and Zander
This is Ezri with a bit of Zander's head.
We had fun although Liam was disappointed that we didn't got to the Dinosaur Park or somewhere else.  I couldn't figure out how to manage five little kids.  I know that I HAD five kids, but they were a bit more spread out.  Jessica was 13 when Jena arrived and I didn't have twins-- two two-year olds with only one adult seems risky.

I am a chicken or getting old---maybe both, but we had fun anyway.

1 comment:

Lynette Giberson said...

To bad I couldn't have been there when you watched Jessica's kids in September. The two of us could of taken the 5 to the park. That would of been fun.