Sunday, September 12, 2021

Happy Birthday, Emily AND Hello, YSA Ward!

Jena was so excited when Vicki Ehlen called and asked if Jena could join Emily for a birthday celebration and see Jungle Cruise.  We met in Farmington and they were so excited to see each other.  It has been about a year since they last saw each other.  Emily had to have two brain surgeries since then due to some vein issues and is making a slow recovery.  It was good to see her.  And I think Jena loved loved not being with us for awhile!

Jena has been a good sport and a great missionary, but she misses friends and activities with young adults.  So in the middle of August, Jena also started attending the Ensign YSA Ward in our area.  I am very proud of her going by herself to a ward where she literally knows no one.  I went the first week, but she has been happy to go each week since then by herself.  Everyone at our ward is missing her but understands why she might want to go to the YSA.


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