Sunday, October 11, 2020

Dejunking and Reorganization Continues

In the middle of the birthday week, I continued to work on reorganizing and cleaning up closets and other places in our house.  My goal of getting the whole house cleaned in September was not working out but I did make some progress in the storage room and in my desk area.

Some "gems" I discovered along the way:

This can has sat on my office shelf to remind me to do my visiting teaching since.....

around 2004.....since we no longer do visiting teaching--out it went! It serve its purpose well!  I bet I was the only one that still had this can in their house.
This isn't quite as old, but as worthless.  This is my study guide for my Social Work license exam which I took and passed in 2017.  I don't ever need to take it again unless I let my license expired---I don't intend for that to ever happen because I am not take that test again.
And as I sorted and cleaned up my party supplies, I found this reminder that at one time, we were celebrating the arrival of 2020 with parties, kisses, and cheers!  It has been a year for sure, but not what we expected on January 1, 2020.
What do they say about hind sight-- it is always "20-20"!

Progress is being made, although slowly, on getting our house ready.  It is a big job and I am so glad that we aren't actually leaving our house on October 26th.  That will allow us extra time to finish house prep and also the yard.

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