Sunday, January 12, 2020

Unexpected Stuff

This past week, I had already planned to watch Jessica's kids twice during the week as they have doctor's appointments for Zander scheduled.  However, on Monday, I got a call from Jessica (who rarely calls on the phone--texting was created for her.)  Carter was breathing funny and they were taking her to Urgent Care.  That led to her being sent to Primary's and spending four days there while they tried to keep her O2 levels up, especially while she was sleeping.  She had no signs of being sick until about Wednesday other than her breathing and the fact her lungs were cloudy on the x-rays.

She is home now and doing well.  The other kids especially Alex were so excited to see her when she got home.  With all of that excitement, I got to spend a few extra days handing out with the other kids while Elessia and Jessica managed Carter, doctor's appointments, and life.  I know what it is like to have kids in the hospital so I was so glad to be able to help out from time to time this week.  So glad that I am not still working full-time--that really interfered with my grandmothering and mothering and wife-ing fun!

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