Sunday, January 12, 2020

Another Change in Calling

I forgot to document this when it happened in December, but I was released from teaching Relief Society and called to teach Gospel Doctrine (or the adult class of Sunday School.)  I am one of three teachers which means I teach every six weeks or so.  It is very exciting to be teaching from The Book of Mormon as part of the Come Follow Me program especially during the 200 year anniversary of the First Vision.  Exciting times in the Church and in Sunday School.

I have taught Gospel Doctrine before and I really enjoyed it, but that was in our Walnut Grove ward where people knew me.  I was a bit nervous because I expect people ( a variety of people) to talk and discuss things and I can be a bit creative to make that happen.

This time all it took to start the conversation was cardstock paper that I had left on each chair (It was for each person to write their current testimony of the Book of Mormon and also had some questions to help them plan for studying the Book of Mormon this year.)  The first person in the room said, "Cardstock--that shows planning ahead." and the discussion unfolded from that.  I missed some of the conversation about the cardstock as I stepped out to do something, but it was fun to hear the buzz when I stepped back into the room.

One awesome thing about teaching Sunday School is that Gary is in there and can run whatever media I need.  One of the sisters said she couldn't believe how seamless it was when I used media until she realized that Gary was doing it from the front row.  Very nice (and kudos to him on figuring it all out.)!

So as I mentioned a few (hundred) times in this blog, change happens and it is okay! New year, new calling!  I think at one  point I counted that I had served in over 43 callings in the Church (sometimes the same calling but different ward or whatever.)  I think three years is the longest I ever held a single calling and I think the shortest I had a calling was six weeks!  Fun times!  One of the great blessings of being an member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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